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型号 / 厂家,封装,批号,备注,订购

TLV320AIC10IPFBG4 / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,06/07+,General Purpose 16-B 订购 PDF文档

TLV320AIC1103P> / ,,最新批号,现货库存 订购 PDF文档

TLV320AIC1103PBSG4 / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,06/07+,Programmable PCM Cod 订购 PDF文档

TLV320AIC1103PBSR(TQFP.1K/R'0 / ,,,原装现货 订购 PDF文档

TLV320AIC1103PBSR(TQFP.T+R)'0 / ,,,原装现货 订购 PDF文档

TLV320AIC1106PWRG4 / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,06/07+,PCM Codec With Micro 订购 PDF文档

TLV320AIC1107PWG4 / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,06/07+,PCM Codec With Micro 订购 PDF文档

TLV320AIC12CDBTG4 / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,07+,Single Channel Codec 订购 PDF文档

TLV320AIC12IDBTG4 / TI,30,N/A,上海实货库存!欢迎查询! 订购 PDF文档

TLV320AIC12KIRHBR / ,,,0755-83042667 订购 PDF文档