型号 / 厂家,封装,批号,备注,订购
PAA1042 / ON,DIP-16,【2007无铅】,正规公司,信誉保证,南皇电子为您提供优质产品 订购 PDF文档
PAA110LSSN / IXYS Corporation,Datasheet,06/07+,Relay SSR 50MA DC-IN 订购 PDF文档
PA93U / Apex Microtechnology,Datasheet,07+,High Voltage Power O 订购 PDF文档
PA9536 / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,06/07+,Remote 4-Bit I2C and 订购 PDF文档
PA9536D / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,07+,Remote 4-Bit I2C and 订购 PDF文档
PA9536DCUR / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,07+,Remote 4-Bit I2C and 订购 PDF文档
PA9536DR / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,06/07+,Remote 4-Bit I2C and 订购 PDF文档
PA9536DT / Texas Instruments,Datasheet,06/07+,Remote 4-Bit I2C and 订购 PDF文档
PAA110LSTRSN / IXYS Corporation,Datasheet,07+,Relay SSR 50MA DC-IN 订购 PDF文档